
For us, volunteering is simply about being a ‘good neighbour’ – carrying out small acts of kindness to improve the lives of others.
We all have a responsibility and capability to make a positive impact on our neighbourhoods, and gifting your time, skills, knowledge and insight can be both fulfilling and impactful.
As a charity, we connect people who are energised to do this with people and families that need their support the most. We witness every day how transformative simply ‘being there’ for someone in their time of need can be. We don’t think that anyone should struggle alone.
​​Everyone can be someone, to someone. To register your interest in volunteering for CCP, please CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE OUR ONLINE FORM.
Volunteers expand the scope and impact of our work, allowing us to reach more people, meet more need and do more good.
We also believe that volunteering is good for the mind, body and soul. It connects people to each other, helps give them a sense of purpose and the impetus to build a brighter future for themselves.

Taking your first steps is easy; simply share a few details with us on this form and our Volunteering Coordinator will be in touch within 2 working days to develop the conversation with you. We take an individual approach to volunteering as all of our volunteers are different. Our first step is to learn more about you, your circumstances, what you enjoy and what impact you’d like to make.

Our volunteers transform lives through the following roles:
 • Appropriate Adult (Gloucestershire Only) – supporting children and vulnerable adults whilst they are in police custody
 • Family/parenting support – practical support or advice and guidance to parents and care givers
 • Supporting younger children (aged 5-15) with their emotional/social development, confidence/self-esteem  etc
 • Supporting older children and young people (16-24) with their emotional/social development, confidence/self-esteem, aspirations, finding work or training or supporting them to engage.
 • Supporting adults to maintain their tenancy, by providing information, advice and guidance as well as practical and emotional support. 
 • Night Shelter Support - in Worcester, Redditch, Evesham, Malvern and Cheltenham. Helping to welcome rough sleepers into our night shelters and signpost to key partners for ongoing support.
• Rough Sleeper Support - Providing practical support in Redditch & Bromsgrove to people facing homelessness on the streets.
 • Befriending – being available to maintain regular in-person or telephone contact with someone who is isolated, lonely or excluded.
 • Pantry Project (Cheltenham Only) – create and distribute food parcels, stock management and engage with the local community.
 • Maintenance – supporting the upkeep of all buildings across the charity or supporting someone in their own home with basic DIY if they are unable.
 • Events – fundraising, social media and assisting with Hamper Scamper, Big Sleep Out, and other high profile events across the year.
 • If you have a specific skill or interest you would like to share, we’d love to hear from you!
Sound like you? Please get in touch: Get in touch

Our Volunteer Principles – what makes us different

We have designed our Be There volunteering programme with specific principles that guide everything we do and outline our commitment to you.

Something for everyone
We believe that everyone can volunteer, and that we can find an opportunity for all. This means:
 • Welcoming and encouraging applications from people with lived experience and recognising the unique insight and value they bring
 • Matching the volunteer responsibilities you are given to the level of commitment you are able to offer
 • Training and induction that instils confidence and knowledge and that is tailored towards the role that you will be performing as a volunteer

Easy to apply, quick to get started
 We have a responsibility towards Safer Recruitment, meaning that we are required to consider the suitability of all applications and carry out a vetting process. However, we are committed to making the process as simple as possible for anyone going through it, keeping you updated along the way, and minimising any delays.

Excellent customer service
We employ a dedicated Volunteer Coordinator to oversee your experience from start to finish and to be responsive to you throughout your journey. We also:
 • Include volunteers in consultation and engagement platforms so they can have their say about changes across CCP
 • Include volunteers in team and wider meetings
 • Include volunteers in our bustling social calendar of staff engagement opportunities, as well as bespoke volunteering events.

Meeting your expectations
People volunteer for different reasons – be it to develop their skills, confidence or to acquire experience, or to achieve a greater sense of purpose, or often because they just want to make a difference and an impact. Whatever the reason, we will work with you to understand your own ‘why’ and make sure that the experience with us is a fulfilling one in accordance with your expectations.

Regular and ongoing support
We place a significant value on the importance of regular catch up opportunities with all of our staff, paid or otherwise. As a volunteer, you will work with your ‘mentor’ who you will have regular contact with, including regular 1-2-1 meetings. These meetings give everyone an opportunity to review how your volunteering is going, to make sure the right amount of support is in place and that we are matching your expectations of volunteering.