Community Wellbeing

What is the Community Wellbeing Service?

The Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Community Wellbeing Service is a free and confidential service running in your local area, offering support to help improve your health and wellbeing in a number of different ways. For example, when you don’t know who to turn to for support, we can connect you to groups, activities and other support agencies in your community.
Anyone over the age of 16 living in the Cheltenham or Tewkesbury areas can access the Community Wellbeing Service. You can refer yourself into the service or ask your GP to make the referral for you. We also accept referrals from other health professionals, voluntary groups, community members, friends, family and neighbours.
To make a referral, call 0300 365 6463 or click to complete one of these online referral forms:
The Community Wellbeing service offers one-to-one support provided by an assigned Social Prescriber based on your location. They will work with you to find a plan suited to your needs and what works best for you. They may signpost or refer you to activities and groups of interest that are available in your area. Social Prescribers have extensive local knowledge and will be able to help facilitate local activity.
For example, the service can help:
  • If you are feeling lonely or socially isolated
  • In times of emotional hardship, such as after a bereavement or when struggling with your mental health
  • In times of change, for example after redundancy, health issues or retirement, or the uncertainty of COVID-19
  • Give you support to help you to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle
  • If you are worried about debt or financial issues
  • To find domestic or care services when you may be leaving hospital or in need of care
  • Access advice and information
  • Find volunteering opportunities in your community
  • With welfare concerns for other members of your family or friends
Funded jointly by Gloucestershire County Council and NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group, the Community Wellbeing Service works in each district of Gloucestershire. Five providers deliver the service across the county with each provider covering a specific district, ensuring that the service is tailored to the needs of the local area.

Contact Us
For more information or to get in touch with the Community Wellbeing Service, please email or call 0300 365 6463.