Pantry Project

Low-cost food for people living in poverty in Cheltenham.

​ "A total of 9.3 million adults experienced food insecurity in January 2023, the Food Foundation reports.
A total of 3.2 million adults (6.1 percent of households) reported not eating for a whole day because they couldn’t afford or access food.
It is particularly hitting low-income families. Over half (53.8 per cent) of universal credit claimants faced food poverty in January." The Big Issue, May 2023.

About the Pantry

The Pantry Project opened in July 2019. We offer a healthy selection of food which includes fresh and frozen items, together with fruit and veg, dried food and toiletries. Within our shop, situated at our Head Office in 340 High Street, Cheltenham, members can choose from food and essential household items to the value of approximately £15 for £4.00 a week.
Linked to the Pantry, our Polytunnel project provides pantry members with an opportunity to engage in social activity whilst contributing to the stock of fresh produce available to members. Located at the rear of our head office, the polytunnel contains accessible raised beds in which seasonal produce is planted and grown throughout the year. The project also contributes to improved social inclusion and wellbeing for pantry members.
By visiting the Pantry each week, members can also receive support from staff and volunteers who will develop relationships and signpost to other services that can provide debt advice, housing advice, mental health and family support.
The Pantry is open Wednesdays 11-5, Thursdays 9-3 and Fridays 9-3.
Donate food

Do you, or someone you know, want to become a member of our Pantry? CLICK HERE TO FILL OUT A REFERRAL FORM, or call into our reception where someone will be able to talk you through becoming a member.

Can You Help?

We always need fresh and long-life produce. In order for the Pantry to continue we rely on donations from our generous supporters. We also call out to anybody who maintains an allotment. Do you have any excess fruit and/or vegetables that you can donate to the pantry?
If you would like to make a donation, please call into our Head office at CCP, 340 High Street, Cheltenham, GL50 3JF during the opening times.
You can also contact the team on or call 01242 288999 if you would like someone to collect your donation.