Early Help Family Support

Support for families and parents in South Gloucestershire

CCP is supporting South Gloucestershire Council to provide Early Help to communities, families and parents. We are contributing to a culture where children, young people and families are engaged in conversations when things are not going well, or where there may be a risk of problems arising, and we're working alongside those families to empower them to find their own solutions.
The work will specifically support two of the main priorities in South Gloucestershire's Early Help Partnership Strategy 2019-24 by recognising that family, friends and community can be the most effective and sustainable forces of “help”; and embracing a strengths based, whole-family approach to finding sustainable solutions.
We are working with families requiring help at ‘Universal Plus’ level and will contribute to Families in Focus (the national Troubled Families Programme).

Aims of the service are to:

  • Provide a community-based support service for families in South Gloucestershire who are experiencing a range of problems and challenges.
  • Make a positive and sustained impact on the lives of the families who are facing challenges and receiving support from the project.Provide evidence-based parenting programmes and training for practitioners
  • Work with the Early Help Community Network groups to map local community assets, community groups, voluntary sector support and faith groups
  • Build capacity in communities e.g. through training, use of volunteers and supporting and advising community based organisations who are contributing to the Early Help system.
  • Identify opportunities for local businesses to support their communities
Please note we are experiencing a higher than usual number of referrals for family support, resulting in increased wait times for families.
Please consider referring to our Positive Parenting Groups in the first instance if suitable